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Mechatronic applications in agriculture to ensure economic and environmental sustainability

创建时间:  2017/12/05  谢姚   浏览次数:   返回

学术报告:机械楼302会议室 126日下午2
报告人:Dr. Aitazaz A. FarooqueUniversity of Prince Edward IslandCanada
"Mechatronic applications in agriculture to ensure economic and environmental sustainability"
Knowledge of spatial variability in soil, crop, and yield attributes can establish the basis for efficient nutrient management on an as-needed basis. Currently, crop management practices within agricultural fields are implemented uniformly with inadequate attention being given to substantial variations in soil properties, crop characterstics and yield, which not only increase cost of production but also poses a serious threat to the environemnt.
The map and sensor based precision agriculture (PA) technologies are capable of encountering these spatial variations, to allocate nutrients site-specifcally based on need. The concept of dilneating management zones (MZs) based on proper characterization and quantification of soil and crop variablity using sensors, has been proposed as a solution to more efficiently apply agricultural inputs in variable rate (VR) fashion to ensure sustainability of agricultural resources.
The geo-referenced soil and crop attributes significantly affecting the crop yield can be used to develop MZz for site-specific nutrient management. The combined approach of using sensor and map based PA technology, in conjunction with statistcal, geo-statistical and geographical information system (GIS) can aid in developing MZs without prior knowledge of productivity with the internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity. The MZs can be incorporated into the VR technology for site-specific applications to ensure economic and environmental sustainability.
Biography of Dr AitazazA. Farooque
School of Sustainable Design Engineering, University of Prince Edward Island. Dr. Farooque has been teaching a variety of engineering courses. Dr. Farooque has been working on various industrial research projects over the past eight years. He has expertise/skills in engineering design, development and management, instrumentation testing, and evaluation of sensors and controllers. He has been developing hardware and software for automation of machines to sense targets in real-time for spot application of agrochemicals. Dr. Farooque’s research focus has been on developing sensing and control systems, and on mechanical modification in the hardware and integration of sensors onto the machines to perform specific tasks required by industry. He incorporated the custom developed hardware and software using computer programming, electro-mechanical design, electronics, and digital communications techniques, into the applicators, for real-time spot applications to improve profitability and environmental sustainability.

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