| 王冰 教授、博导 联系方式:susanbwang@shu.edu.cn
l 个人简介
l 主要研究领域
l 代表性成果
▪ 论文
[1] Bing Wang, Pengfei Zhang, Xiaozhi Wang and Quanke Pan. Three-way decision based island harmony search algorithm for robust flow-shop scheduling with uncertain processing times depicted by big data. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2024, 162, 111842.
[2] Bing Wang, Kai Feng and Xiaozhi Wang. Bi-objective scenario-guided swarm intelligent algorithms based on reinforcement learning for robust unrelated parallel machines scheduling with setup times. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2023, 80:101321.
[3] Bing Wang, Pengfei Zhang, Yufeng He, Xiaozhi Wang and Xianxia Zhang. Scenario-oriented hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for robust economic dispatch of power system with wind power. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2022, 33(5):1143 – 1150.
[4] Xiaozhi Wang, Bing Wang, Xianxia Zhang, Xuedong Xia and Quanke Pan. Two-objective robust job-shop scheduling with two problem-specific neighborhood structures. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2021, 61, 100805.
[5] Bing Wang, Hanxin Xie, Xuedong Xia and Xianxia Zhang, A NSGA-II algorithm hybridizing local simulated-annealing operators for a bi-criteria robust job-shop scheduling problem under scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System, 2019, 27(5):1075-1084
[6] Bing Wang, Xiaozhi Wang and Hanxin Xie. Bad-scenario-set robust scheduling for a job shop to hedge against processing time uncertainty. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57(10):3168-3185
[7] Bing Wang, Xiaozhi Wang, Fengming Lan and Quanke Pan. A hybrid local-search algorithm for robust job-shop scheduling under scenarios. Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 62: 259-271.
[8] Bing Wang, Xuedong Xia, Hexia Meng and Tao Li. Bad-scenario-set robust optimization framework with two objectives for uncertain scheduling systems, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2017, 4(1):142-152.
[9] 王冰, 羊晓飞, 李巧云. 基于坏场景集的抗风险鲁棒调度模型, 自动化学报, 2012, 38(2): 275-283.
[10] 王冰, 李巧云, 羊晓飞. 模糊车间作业调度的三点满意度模型, 控制与决策. 2012, 27(7):1082-1086.
▪ 著作
王冰,王晓智著. 鲁棒机器调度.北京:清华大学出版社,2023年12月.
l 科研项目
3、国家自然科学基金面上项目:Job shop调度问题的滚动时域方法研究及性能分析, 2003.01-2005.12,主要完成人。
l 国际合作