| 郑敏 副教授 联系方式:zhengmin203@shu.edu.cn |
▪ 论文
1、Min Zheng, Guangfeng Zhang, Tao Huang, Tuning of fractional complex‐order direct current motor controller using frequency domain analysis, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. Math Meth Appl Sci. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.665SCI&EI
2、Min Zheng, Tao Huang, Guangfeng Zhang, A New Design Method for PI-PD Control of Unstable Fractional-Order System with Time Delay, Complexity, vol. 2019 SCI&EI
3、M. Zheng, T.Q. Yuan, T. Huang,Time-varying Impedance Control of Port Hamiltonian System with A New Energy Storing Tank, Complexity, 2018 SCI&EI
4、M. Zheng,Z.Mao,K. Li,M.R. Fei,Quadratic separation framework for stability analysis of a class of systems with time delays, Neurocomputing, Vol. 174, PP. 466-474, 2016. SCI&EI
5、M.Zheng, H.N.Yang, M.R.Fei, Y.Song, Stability of aperiodic sampled-data systems-an augmented looped lyapunov functional with wirtinger inequality approach, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, PP. 773-777, 2015. SCI&EI
6、M.Zheng, K.Li, M. R. Fei. Comments on “Wirtinger-based integral inequality: Application to time-delay systems. Automatica, 50(1): 300-301, 2014 SCI&EI
7、M.Zheng, K.Li. New Results on Stability Analysis of Delayed Recurrent Neural Networks Based on Integral Quadratic Constraints Approach. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 36, No. 6, PP. 780-789, 2014. SCI&EI
8、M.Zheng, M.R.Fei,Y.Li, Improved Stability Criteria for Uncertain Delayed Neural Networks,Neurocomputing, 98(3):34-39, 2012 SCI&EI
▪ 著作