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l 个人简介


获加拿大多伦多大学机械学博士学位和上海交通大学电子信息学博士学位,1999-2003工作于美国英诺信息有限公司和多伦多欧姆龙汽车电子有限公司,2004-2010为多伦多大学机械工程系Research Associate,2010年任职于上海大学。主要从事精密机电系统设计与控制、主动减振降噪控制、生物细胞组织成像、智能机器人等领域的研究。在变形镜设计、自适应控制等研究方向取得系列研究成果:如针对自适应光学中的大像差校正提出一种基于纳米磁性液体的液态变形镜设计和控制方法,实现毫米级超大像差的高精度实时校正;针对主动减振降噪控制提出一种基于Youla参数化统一框架下的自适应调节方法,有效提升了确定性和随机性混合未知干扰信号的消除性能,等等。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、科技部高端外专项目、上海市科委自然科学基金项目、上海市教委创新重点基金项目,以及重大横向项目10余项。在IEEE Transactions、ASME Transactions、Nature子刊等国内外期刊上发表SCI/EI科研论文140余篇,出版Springer学术专著1本,获IEEE会议最佳论文奖3次,授权发明专利和软件著作权10余项。

l 主要研究领域


- 高清晰度成像

- 自适应光学


- 主动减振降噪控制

- 智能机器人技术

l 代表性成果


[1] F. Qian, H. Ding, T. Liu, Z. Wu, X. Zhang and A. Iqbal, An adaptive active vibration control for flexible beam systems under unknown deterministic disturbances, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 228, 112447, 2025.

[2] F. Qian, H. Ding, Z. Wu, S. Guo, D. Fu, A. Iqbal and S. Sivanandam, MIMO Youla parameterized adaptive aberration correction based on magnetic fluid deformable mirror for liquid mirror telescope. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,29(3), pp.1749-1760, 2024.

[3] H. Ding, F. Li, F. Qian, T. Xu, T. Liu, Z. Wu, S. Sivanandam and A. Iqbal, LQG/LTR based robust Youla parameterized adaptive vibration control for the supporting platform of rotating liquid mirror. Journal of Vibration and Control, 31(3), pp.284–300, 2024.

[4] H. Pu, J. Zhu, L. Mou, J. Zhao, Z. Wu, J. Luo and S. Yuan, Youla parameterized adaptive switched control of a magnetic negative stiffness isolator. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71(9), pp.11356-11365, 2023.

[5] F. Qian, F. Li, Z. Wu, T. Yue and T. Xu, Youla parameterized adaptive feedback attenuation against tonal and band-limited random noise in ductworks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(8), pp.8274-8283, 2022.

[6] F. Li, Z. Wu, F. Qian, T. Yue and T Xu, Adaptive active noise feedforward compensation for exhaust ducts using a FIR Youla parametrization, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 170, 108803, 2022.

[7] Z. Wu, T. Zhang, D. Mbemba, Y. Wang, X. Wei, Z. Zhang and A. Iqbal, Wavefront sensorless aberration correction with magnetic fluid deformable mirror for laser focus control in optical tweezer system, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 57(1), 4600106, 2021.

[8] Z. Wu, F. Qian, Y. Wang, J. Wu, M. Dziki and Z. Zhang, Decentralized Youla parameterized adaptive regulation with application to surface shape control for magnetic fluid deformable mirrors, Mechatronics, 68, 102346, 2020.

[9] F. Qian, Z. Wu, M. Zhang, T. Wang, Y. Wang and T. Yue, Youla parameterized adaptive vibration control against deterministic and band-limited random signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 134, 106359, 2019.

[10] F. Li, H. Chen, Z. Liu, X. Zhang, M. Jiang, Z. Wu and K. Zhou, Deep learning based automated detection of retinal diseases using optical coherence tomography images, Biomedical Optics Express, 10(12), 6204, 2019.


  [1] Zhizheng Wu, Azhar Iqbal and Foued Ben Amara, Modeling and Control of Magnetic Fluid Deformable Mirrors for Adaptive Optics Systems, Springer-verlag, Berlin,



图1 近场光存储伺服控制

图2 自适应光学成像技术

图3 数字化车间系统

l 科研项目




4、横向项目:企业车间数字化系统开发项目,2023.09-2026.08, 主持

l 国际合作  


