l 个人简介
l 主要研究领域
l 代表性成果
以第一/通讯作者在《Materials Science & Engineering R》《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Carbon》、《Materials Today Nano》、《Nano Research》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》、《Friction》、和《Applied Surface Science》等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文二十余篇。
▪ 论文
1、Superlubricity achieved by polyvinylpyrrolidone at Si3N4/sapphire interfaces, Friction, 2025. 13:9440973.
2、 Electrotunable superlubricity of two-dimensional ZIF-8, Carbon, 2025: 119803.
3、 The correlation between molecular structure and superlubricity in homojunctions of 2D materials, Materials Science & Engineering R, 2024, 161, 100868.
4、 Simple and effective: Superlubricity behaviour of the G-quadruplex hydrogel with high selectivity for K+ ions based on the ocular environment, Friction, 2024, 12: 2548-2562.
5、 Friction injury of the central vein caused by catheter for hemodialysis: An in vitro study. Scientific Reports 2024, 14, 5836.
6、 Modulation mechanism of electron energy dissipation on superlubricity based on fluorinated 2D ZIFs. Nano research 2024, 17 3198-3209.
7、 A self-healing thermogelling polymer with tunable transparency based on biomolecule alginate grafting phenylboronic acid. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 274, 133485.
8、The relationship between surface microstructure and superlubrication performance based on 2D LDHs. Materials Today Nano 2023. 23, 100361.
9、Achieving ultrafast superlubricity with layered double hydroxides. Nano Research 2023. 16, 6940-6950.
10、Simple and effective: Superlubricity behaviour of the G quadruplex hydrogel with high selectivity for K+ ions based on the ocular environment. Friction 2024.
11、Interlayer superlubricity of layered Metal-organic frameworks and its heterojunctions enabled by highly oriented crystalline films. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 450, 138249.
12、Simple But Effective: Liquid Superlubricity with High Load Capacity Achieved by Ionic Liquids. Materials Today Nano 2022, 20, 100257.
13、Macroscale superlubricity under ultrahigh contact pressure in the presence of layered double hydroxide nano sheets. Nano Research 2022, 15, 4700-4709.
14、Insight into the nanotribological mechanism of 2D COFs. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14 (35), 40173-40181.
15、Tribological properties of novel palygorskite nano platelets used as oil-based lubricant additives. Friction 2021, 9, 332-343.
16、Superior extreme pressure properties of different layer LDH nanoplatelets used as boundary lubricants. Applied Surface Science 2020, 530, 147203.
17、An investigation on the Relationship between Surface Structure and Super-lubrication Performance Based on 2D MOFs. Applied Materials Today 2022, 26, 101382.
18、Ultralow friction of basil-based gel in the presence of ethanol as a green lubricant for biomedical applications. Tribology International 2022, 165, 107320.
19、Electric field controlled superlubricity of fullerene-based host—guest assembly. Nano research 2022. 16, 583-588.
▪ 专利
▪ 成果展示

l 科研项目
1、国家自然科学基金委先进IC制造装备基础专项基金:XXXX高精度磁流变抛光技术及其性能退化机理研究,2025-01至2026-12, 主持;
5、清华大学高端装备界面科学与技术全国家重点实验室开发基金重点资助, 2024-01至2026-12,主持;
6、上海大学揭榜挂帅科技攻关项目:原子级精度抛光高端装备研发, 2023-01至2024-12,主持.