| 廖萌萌 副教授,硕士研究生导师 联系方式:mmliao@shu.edu.cn |
ICCC 2022 国际会议技术委员会委员、ICCC 2022 国际会议分会场主席、 ICIT 2022国际会议技术委员会委员、ICIT国际会议分会场主席、 国际期刊《Neural Networks》、《Signal, Image and Video Processing》、《Digital Signal Processing》、《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》、《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles》审稿人。
在《Information Sciences》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》等国内外学术期刊发表SCI/EI论文20余篇、获授权发明专利2项。
▪ 论文
1、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Subspace clustering based on alignment and graph embedding. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2020,188: 105029:1-17. (中科院1区, 顶级期刊, IF:8.139)
2、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaojin Fan, Yan Li*, Meiguo Gao. Noise-related face image recognition based on double dictionary transform learning. Information Sciences. 2023, 630:98-118. (中科院1区,顶级期刊,IF: 8.233)
3、Mengmeng Liao, Yunjie Li*, Meiguo Gao. Graph-based adaptive and discriminative subspace learning for face image clustering. Expert Systems With Applications. 2022, 192: 116359:1–19. (中科院1区, 顶级期刊, IF: 8.665)
4、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition approach by subspace extended sparse representation and discriminative feature learning. Neurocomputing. 2020, 373:35-49. (中科院2区, 顶级期刊, IF: 5.779)
5、Xiaojin Fan, Mengmeng Liao*, Jingfeng Xue, Hao Wu, Lei Jin, Jian Zhao, Liehuang Zhu. Joint coupled representation and homogeneous reconstruction for multi-resolution small sample face recognition, Neurocomputing. 2023, 522: 89-104 (中科院2区, 顶级期刊, IF: 5.779)
6、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition based on dictionary learning and subspace learning. Digital Signal Processing. 2019, 90: 110-124.
7、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition algorithm based on feature descriptor and weighted linear sparse representation. IET Image Processing. 2019, 13(12): 2281-2293.
8、Mengmeng Liao, Changzhi Wang, Xiaodong Gu*. Algorithm using supervised subspace learning and non-local representation for pose variation recognition. IET Computer Vison. 2020, 14(7):528-537.
9、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Hybrid classification approach using extreme learning machine and sparse representation classifier with adaptive threshold. IET Signal Processing. 2018, 12(7): 811-818.
10、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition using feature coding and nonlocal constraint-based sparse representation classifier. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2018, 27(5):053050:1-17.
11、Yan Na*, Mengmeng Liao. Super-speed up robust features image geometrical registration algorithm. IET Image Processing. 2016, 10(11): 848-864.
12、Wangkui Jiang, Yan Li*, Mengmeng Liao, Shafei Wang. An improved LPI radar waveform recognition framework with LDC-Unet and SSR-loss. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2022, 29:149-153.
13、Xiaojin Fan, Mengmeng Liao*, Lei Chen, Jingjing Hu. Few-Shot learning for multi-pose face recognition via hypergraph de-deflection and multi-task collaborative optimization. Electronics. 2023,12(10):2248.
14、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition using improved extended sparse representation classifier and feature descriptor. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019, 10956:306-318.
15、Mengmeng Liao, Yunjie Li*, Meiguo Gao. Feature coding method based on shared weights support vector data description for face recognition. Journal of Physics, 2021, 195:012029:1-6.
16、Mengmeng Liao, Xiaodong Gu*. A new supervised image classification using data set partition. In Proc. of International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 1586-1591, 2018.
17、Mengmeng Liao*, Yunjie Li. Pose face recognition based on supervised subspace learning. In Proc. of IEEE the 8th International Conference on Computer and Communication, pp. 1768-1772, 2022.
18、Mengmeng Liao*, Xiaojin Fan, Yan Li. Subspace learning based on label release and low-rank representation for small sample face recognition. In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City, pp. 127-132, 2022.
▪ 获奖
▪ 知识产权
1、廖萌萌,李云杰,高梅国.一种用于人脸识别的样本分类的方法及装置[P].中国专利:CN202210484664.4, 2022.
2、朱梦韬,张紫薇,李云杰,廖萌萌.一种基于Transformer的认知雷达联合调制识别与参数估计方法[P].中国专利:CN202310246346.9, 2023.
▪ 科研项目
2、 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于标签离散分布学习与协同寻优的小样本姿态人脸识别方法研究,2024.01-2026.12,主持;