l 个人简介
开展“光克隆”全息真三维显示、智能3D虚拟现实、光微纳制造、及芯片制造相关智能装备等研究多年。2012年动态全息真三维显示成果突破了全息真三维显示无法达到实时刷新的国际技术瓶颈,为 “光克隆”真三维电视及虚拟现实研发做出了突出贡献,被Society for Information Display(国际信息显示学会)评为国际显示领域11大亮点技术。2015-2021年组建超精密光电检测与信息显示技术研究中心,任研究中心主任。2022年组建智能虚拟现实显示与光微纳制造联合研发中心,任研发中心主任,研发中心构建了集新型显示、虚拟显示、芯片制造、机器人制造、智能装备等热点方向的产学研联合研究平台。近年受邀在美国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、新加坡及台湾等国际会议作邀请报告近30次。兼上海市技术预见专家,(工信部下属)虚拟现实产业联盟顾问专家,美国光学学会(OSA)显示技术执行委员等。主持及参与国家自然基金及重大横向项目等近20项;发表高水平论文40余篇,获发明专利近20项。
l 代表性成果
▪ 论文及国际会议报告(部分)
1、Hongyue Gao, et al. Investigation on dynamic holographic display in liquid crystal film doped with carbon dots. Materials Express, 2020, 10(6): 780
2、Hongyue Gao, et al. Super-Fast Refresh Holographic Display Based on Liquid Crystal Films Doped With Silver Nanoparticles. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019, 11(3): 6901107
3、Hongyue Gao, et al. Holographic Three-Dimensional Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Display Based on 4K-Spatial Light Modulators. Applied Sciences 2019, 9(1182): 1
4、Hongyue Gao, et al. Study on permanent holographic recording in trimethylol propane triacrylate-based photopolymer films with high diffraction efficiency. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2017, 34(5): B22
5、Hongyue Gao, et al. Holographic storage of three-dimensional image and data using photopolymer and polymer dispersed liquid crystal films. Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25(9): 94205
6、Hongyue Gao, et al. Latest development of display technologies. Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25(9): 94203
7、Hongyue Gao, et al. Electrically switchable multiple volume hologram recording in polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal films. Applied Physical Letters, 2009, 95: 201105
8、Hongyue Gao, et al. The dependence of orientational optical nonlinearity in dye-doped liquid-crystal films on the polarization direction of the recording beams. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2006, 42: 651
9、Hongyue Gao, et al. True color holographic display based on a super fast response liquid crystal film. Conference on Digital Holography and 3 -D Imaging, OSA Technical Digest, 2013, DTh2A.1(国际会议特邀报告)
10、Hongyue Gao, et al. Real-time dynamic holographic display based on a liquid crystal thin film. Information Display Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 2012, 43: 804 (Society for Information Display Symposium 2012 Technical Highlights)
▪ 获奖
1、Society for Information Display(国际信息显示学会)亮点技术 (2012)
l 科研项目(部分)
1、国家自然基金面上项目,2015 -2019,主持
l 国际合作
2、美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech.)访问学者 (2011-2012)。