l 个人简介
l 主要研究领域
l 代表性成果
在《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》、《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》等期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。
▪ 论文
1、 Dongdong Chen, Pin Lv, Lei Xue, Hongwen Xing, Lixin Lu, Dongdong Kong*. Positional error compensation for aviation drilling robot based on Bayesian linear regression. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 127 (2024) 107263.
2、 Jingshu Wang, Tao Chen, Dongdong Kong*. Knowledge-based neural network for surface roughness prediction of ball-end milling. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 194 (2023) 110282.
3、 Hao Yan, Yumeng Peng, Wenjun Shang, Dongdong Kong*. Open-circuit fault diagnosis in voltage source inverter for motor drive by using deep neural network. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 120 (2023) 105866.
4、 Lixin Lu, Weihao Wang, Dongdong Kong*, Junjiang Zhu, Dongxing Chen. Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery using kernel neighborhood preserving embedding and a modified sparse Bayesian classification model. Entropy 2023, 25, 1549.
5、 Junjiang Zhu, Jintao Lv, Dongdong Kong*. F-Wave Extraction from Single-Lead Electrocardiogram Signals with Atrial Fibrillation by Utilizing an Optimized Resonance-Based Signal Decomposition Method. Entropy 2022, 24, 812.
6、 Dongdong Kong, Junjiang Zhu, Chaoqun Duan, Lixin Lu*, Dongxing Chen. Surface roughness prediction using kernel locality preserving projection and Bayesian linear regression. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 152 (2021) 107474.
7、 Dongdong Kong, Junjiang Zhu, Chaoqun Duan, Lixin Lu*, Dongxing Chen. Bayesian linear regression for surface roughness prediction. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 142 (2020) 106770.
8、 Dongdong Kong*, Yongjie Chen, Ning Li, Chaoqun Duan, Lixin Lu, Dongxing Chen. Tool wear estimation in end-milling of titanium alloy using NPE and a novel WOA-SVM model. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (2020) 5219–5232.
9、 Dongdong Kong, Yongjie Chen, Ning Li, Chaoqun Duan*, Lixin Lu, Dongxing Chen. Relevance vector machine for tool wear prediction. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 127 (2019) 573–594.
10、 Dongdong Kong, Junjiang Zhu, Shangshi Wu, Chaoqun Duan*, Lixin Lu, Dongxing Chen. A novel IRBF-RVM model for diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 177 (2019) 183–192.
▪ 获奖
1、 上海大学机自学院精机系“优秀学术论文奖”,2023年度
2、 上海大学机自学院“本科生全程优秀导师”,2021-2022学年
l 科研项目
1、 企业横向:重型标准箱智能仓储系统集成开发,2024.11-2025.12,主持;
2、 国家自然科学基金:基于多源微特征感知的船舶传动系统健康状态自主监测研究,2024.01-2027.12,参与;
3、 青年英才启航计划:PCBN超硬刀具切削高温镍基合金的刀具磨损监测及表面完整性评估,2022.09-2024.12,主持;
4、 企业横向:机械智能制造全程跟踪管理系统云集成开发,2022.08-2024.12,参与;
5、 企业横向:钻完井工具智能仓储系统集成开发,2022.08-2024.12,参与;
6、 成果转化:《HSV井下安全阀制造核心技术专利》专利权转让,2020.09-2022.12,主持;
7、 重大横向:先进钻完井井下工具量产及测试装备技术开发,2019.10-2021.12,主持;
8、 博士后基金:面向特征升维的超硬刀具磨损在线监测研究,2019.01-2021.03,主持。
l 国际合作