l 个人简介
l 主要研究领域
l 代表性成果
在《International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials》、《Material Research Bulletin》、《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》、《Materials》、《Acta Metallurgica Sinica English letters》、《机械工程学报》、《中国机械工程》、《金属学报》、《硅酸盐学报》等国内外学术期刊发表SCI/EI论文40余篇、获授权发明专利8项,授权软件著作权3项。
▪ 论文
1. Study on the reaming process of aluminum alloy 7050-T7451 under different cooling conditions, Advances in Manufacturing (2021) Published online: 06 Sep.,2021
2. Design of chip breaker and study on cutting performance in reaming 7050 aluminum alloy,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,(2021)116(1), 159-173
3. Wear performance and mechanisms of PCBN tools in boring of powder metallurgy steels, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021,114(11), 3605-3614
4. Effects of cutting edge radius on cutting force, tool wear, and life in milling of SUS-316L steel, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020(111):2833-2844
5. A novel chip breaker structure of PCD tool for the reaming of 7050 aluminum alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2020) 109:659–672, 2020.07.17
6. Study on cutting performance of PCD step reamer for reaming ZL102 alloy in dry and wet conditions, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2017,90(5-8):1693–1702.
7. The force system and performance of the welding carbide gun drill to cut AISI 1045 steel, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2014,74(9):1431-1443
8. Cutting force analysis in reaming of ZL102 aluminium cast alloys by PCD reamer,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2013,67(5):1509-1516
9. The study on the chip formation and wear behaviour for drilling forged steel S48CS1V with TiAlN-coated gun Drill,International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol.30(1)(2012)200-207
10. Development of ternary boride base hard cladding material. Material Research Bulletin, 2002,37(3):417-423
11. Study on Characteristics for Reaming Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V with Two Kinds of Cemented-Carbide Groove Reamers, Materials 2022, 15(14), 5027;
12. Study on Milling Force and Surface Quality during Slot Milling of Plain-Woven CFRP with PCD Tools, Materials, 2022, 15(11), 3862;
13. Nalysis of abrasives on cutting edge preparation by drag finishing, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Online:2022.01.07 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-021-08623-w
14. 梯度功能陶瓷刀具的热应力分析, 机械工程学报, 2003,39(4):53-55
▪ 知识产权
1. 加工异形零件 动平衡调节工装,中国,ZL202110964685.1
2. 材料切削用热量回收和加热装置: ZL201610216167.0
3. 可拼接组合的复合式孔加工刀具: ZL201610216166.6
4. 一种整体式加工台阶孔孔壁及孔底的复合刀具: ZL201610199561.8
5. 一种基于刀具跳动及磨损的铣削力建模方法(申请:CN201910255681.9)
6. 一种渐变芯厚立铣刀容屑槽法截面的建模方法(申请:CN201910255284.1)
7. 用于台阶孔的加工刀具及其冷却方法(申请:CN201910255282.2)
8. 可转位刀片的清洁装置(申请:CN201910255285.6)
9. 基于大数据的刀具管理系统:软著登字第4066838号
10. 机床数据采集中间件软件:软著登字第4074500号
11. 基于大数据的智能刀具管理系统: 软著登字第4901225号
▪ 著作
1. 王永国.金属加工刀具及其应用,机械工业出版社,北京:2011.09
2. 黄宗南、王永国、李永康、洪跃. 现代机械制造技术基础,上海交通大学出版社,上海:2014.08
l 主持科研项目
1. 高档数控机床与基础制造装备国家科技重大专项(工信部04专项):加工工艺与切削大数据(2017.01-2019.12):790万
2. 西安航天发动机有限公司:航天发动机加工工艺优化(180万)
3. 中国重汽济南发动机:发动机关键零件加工工艺和刀具优化(2000万);
4. 上海大众动力总成有限公司:发动机工艺和刀具优化(100万);
5. 科技部:高速高效精密刀具开发(200万);
6. 江西昌河铃木发动机: 发动机工艺和刀具优化(200万);
7. 中航飞机股份有限公司(西飞):数控高速铰孔工艺技术研究(20万)
8. 一汽集团无锡油泵油嘴研究所:共轨零件工艺和刀具优化(25万);
9. 中石化上海研究院:汽车航空航天切削液磨削液研究及产业化(26万);