
联系方式:chaoqun@shu.edu.cn chaoqun.duan@hotmail.com
l 个人简介
段超群,博士生导师。从事装备可靠性研究工作,在部分信息可观测装备故障预测与健康管理等领域取得系列原创性成果,相关成果也用于人体健康状态监测领域。担任可靠性权威期刊《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》客座主编、《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》副主编、以及5本SCI期刊编委及客座编辑。担任行业内10余场国际会议分会主席、技术委员、分会组织者。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目课题、面上项目、青年项目、教育部科研合作项目、中国科学技术协会人才类计划、上海市青年科技英才计划等国家级及省部级项目,作为骨干参与科技部重点研发计划等系列项目。近年,在可靠性工程领域,发表SCI收录论文40余篇,第一作者及通讯作者SCI期刊论文32篇,顶级期刊论文21篇,4篇为ESI高被引,所发论文均为行业内主流及权威期刊。获授权发明专利11项,包括3项美国专利。担任国家基金委评审专家、全国研究生教育评估监测专家、上海市教育评估协会专家。
l 主要研究领域
l 国际学术任职
§ Editorial Experience
Advances in Mechanical Engineering (IF 2.1), Associate Editor
Reliability Engineering & System Safety (IF 8.1), Managing Guest Editor
Advances in Mechanical Engineering (IF 2.1), Lead Guest Editor, 2022
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Guest Editor, 2022
Shock and Vibration (IF 1.6), Guest Editor, 2021
Shock and Vibration (IF 1.6), Guest Editor, 2020
International Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science, Section Editor
American Journal of Applied Mathematics, Editorial Board
Symmetry (IF 2.7), Guest Editor
Applied Sciences, Guest Editor
§ International conference committee and organizer
IEEE Global Reliability & Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, Session Chair
3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering, Technical Program Committee
4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering, Technical Program Committee
5th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering, Technical Program Committee
The Sixth International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering (MEIE2023) Technical Program Committee
2024 International Conference on Electrical and Energy Engineering (ICEEE 2024), Committee
The 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Organizing Committee
2023 3rd International Conference on Computer Application and Information Security, Technical Program Committee
The 2023 IEEE Global Reliability & Prognostics and Health Management, Special Session Organizer
The 13th CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision, and Safety for Technical Processes, Session Organizer
l 代表性成果
在IEEE-ASME Trans、IEEE Trans、RESS、MSSP、AMM、OE等国际学术期刊发表SCI收录论文40余篇、获授权发明专利11项、发表英文专著一部。
▪ 论文
[1] C Duan, et al. An adaptive reliability-based maintenance policy for mechanical systems under variable environments. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023, 238, 109396. (IF 8.1. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[2] C Duan, P Chen. Adaptive maintenance scheme for degrading devices with dynamic conditions and random failures. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2022, 19(3):2508-2519. (IF 12.3. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[3] C Duan, Y Li, H Pu, J Luo. Adaptive monitoring scheme of stochastically failing systems under hidden degradation processes. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2022, 221:108322. (IF 8.1. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[4] C Duan, Y Li, H Pu, J Luo. Multi-attribute Bayesian fault prediction for hidden-state systems under condition monitoring. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2022, 103:388-408. (IF 5. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[5] C Duan, Y Li, D Kong, H Pu, J Luo. Bi-level Bayesian control scheme for fault detection under partial observations. Information Sciences. 2022, 605:244-266. (IF 8.1. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[6] C Duan, Y Jiang, H Pu, J Luo, F Liu, B Tang. Health prediction of partially observable failing systems under varying environments. ISA Transactions. 2023, 1-20. (IF 7.3. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[7] C Duan, C Deng. Prognostics of Health Measures for Machines with Aging and Dynamic Cumulative Damage. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2020, 25(5)2264-2275. (IF 6.4. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[8] C Duan. Dynamic Bayesian monitoring and detection for partially observable machines under multivariate observations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021, 158: 107714. (IF 8.4. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[9] C Duan, Z Li, F Liu. Condition-based maintenance for ship pumps subject to competing risks under stochastic maintenance quality. Ocean Engineering 2020, 218:108180. (IF 4.372. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[10] C Duan, V Makis, C Deng. A two-level Bayesian early fault detection for CNC equipment subject to dependent failure modes. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2020, 193: 106676. (IF 8.1. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[11] C Duan, V Makis, C Deng. Optimal Bayesian early fault detection for CNC equipment using hidden semi-Markov process. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019, 122: 290-306. (IF 8.4. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[12] D Kong, Y Chen, N Li, C Duan*, L Lu, D Chen. Relevance vector machine for tool wear prediction. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019, 127: 573-594. (IF 8.4. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[13] C Duan, C Deng, B Wang. Multi-phase sequential preventive maintenance scheduling for deteriorating repairable systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019, 30(4): 1779-1793. (IF 8.3. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[14] C Duan, V Makis, C Deng. An integrated framework for health measures prediction and optimal maintenance policy for mechanical systems using a proportional hazards model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2018, 111: 285-302. (IF 8.4. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊)
[15] C Duan, C Deng, A Gharaei, J Wu, B Wang. Selective maintenance scheduling under stochastic maintenance quality with multiple maintenance actions. International Journal of Production Research. 2018, 56(23): 7160-7178. (IF 9.018. JCR: Q1, 中科院Top期刊); ESI-Highly Cited Paper, Top cited IJPR papers published in the 2018 volume.
▪ 教学获奖
l 国际合作